Brand transformation agency

Breakthrough brand transformation

The world has seen some brutal economic shocks in recent times. So there’s a need for brands to be brave, agile, to break through the barriers and create transformational change.

x200% strong brands create nearly twice the value as the market average during crises
45% of companies see improved market position post brand architecture restructure

Transformation – it’s an over-used word, and yet it says everything. When an organisation isn’t performing the way you want, transformation is needed – whether in one particular area or across the board. The market marches on around you, and keeping up (or staying ahead) means solving a wide range of challenges.

Our own view is that transformation begins with an exciting but simple brand vision, driven by strong leadership, a sense of purpose and a genuine belief that something will change and improve for the better. This might relate to markets, services, technology, culture, products, talent or processes. Or even all of the above.

45% of companies see improved market position post brand architecture restructure

How we help transform businesses, products and services

Brand strategy workshop

It can be incredibly helpful for you to get an external perspective from the experts. Often, we spot problems, opportunities or ideas that just haven’t been visible from close-up. This enables us to build a strong brand for the future. And you can trust us, because we have a proven track record of making brands more successful.

Our brand strategy and brand experience work can unlock any unexploited value in your brands, as well as identifying new opportunities. And what we do is absolutely results-focused, too:

  • delivering more revenue
  • fighting off competition
  • preparing for a major activity (such as an acquisition or launch)
  • developing new ideas
  • attracting and retaining great people.
Brand strategy workshop

Rethinking and thinking big

19x transform awards europe winner

Transformation demands a willingness to throw away old thinking, and think big. It begins by building an exciting but simple brand vision, driven by strong leadership, a sense of shared purpose, and a real belief that improvement is coming.

Gradual improvement is no longer enough: today’s business environment is complex, with disruption coming at you from every side. Nowadays, the market wants bigger, newer, faster, and it can be hard to keep your proposition fresh.

19x transform awards europe winner

Transform award winners

They say it better than we do

We have experienced a significant upturn in major contract awards within our traditional client-base, and in new complementary markets as targeted by our brand strategy.

Robin Whitehead

Studio North helped plot a smooth course through the challenges of our merger process. Their expertise provided cut-through when we needed rapid decision-making.

Niel Bethell

Studio North helped us create a brand that made us stand out from our competition and positioned us as a community-focused leisure company ‘At the heart of life’.

Dawn Aston
Marketing & Sales Manager, Brio Leisure