Brand identity agency

In an overcrowded market, you can’t be a wallflower

Your brand needs a clear identity – one that’s instantly recognisable and triggers all of the right responses. Those sentiments are generated by your offering and positioning, along with your logo, graphics, tone of voice, messaging and more. It’s a consistently applied expression of what you stand for.

77 percent of marketing leaders say branding is critical to growth
Brand identity - Storytelling, visual identity, brand naming, motion design, tone of voice

Your brand deserves a powerful identity, and that’s where we come in as your brand identity agency. From memorable branding and identity design to establishing a distinctive brand message and tone of voice, we create cohesive brand systems that work across all media.

Brand design

Workshop with post it notes

Here’s what you need from your branding and identity design:

  • distinctiveness – so you stand out, and so people recognise, remember and recommend you
  • visual appeal – so people love what they see and want to be part of your brand story
  • relevance – so the right people want to engage with you (and the wrong ones won’t waste your time)

We create powerful brand identities by curating a mix of elements including your logo, colour, typography, photography, motion graphics, illustration style, and much more. Existing elements might need a subtle refresh, others a complete overhaul; some might already have such strong brand equity that they mustn’t change.

Our extensive experience as a brand identity agency ensures that we’ll maximise the value of them all. The goal is to achieve significant ROI, whether launching a new brand or transforming an existing one.

We take a methodical approach to brand design, using our discovery process to fully understand what your brand represents and who it’s for. We’ll remove subjective bias (yours and ours) and focus instead on your customer. Then we’ll create a beautiful visual expression of your brand, for seamless and consistent applied at every touchpoint.

  • Visual identity
  • Motion & video
  • Design concepts
  • Audio branding
Workshop with post it notes

Brand voice & messaging

Tummy-MOT stickers

It’s not just what you say that matters. It’s the way you say it. While design is the visual identity of your brand, ‘tone of voice’ is the term for your verbal identity. When your brand speaks, it needs an instantly recognisable voice and vocabulary – with the power to build trust, influence and persuade.

A brand is pointless if it can’t be clearly communicated. As a highly experienced brand identity agency, we’ll craft a singular verbal identity for your brand which clearly articulates who you are, what you do, what you stand for, and why customers should choose you.

You can’t be distinctive, of course, without reference to others in the market. We can explore the messages used by your competitors, looking for where you can differentiate and ‘own’ aspects of communication.

From key messages for every audience to the nuances of language, style, and vocabulary, we’ll ensure your brand speaks clearly and consistently across all platforms, channels and media.

  • Verbal identity
  • Brand messaging
  • Brand tone of voice
  • Brand storytelling
Tummy-MOT stickers

Brand guidelines

23% increase in revenue can be achieved through brand consistency

The way your brand is represented will be handled by many different people – from your employees and satellite offices to agencies and third-party partners. They’ll all have different skill levels, and may all have their own take on what they think your brand is. But there’s only one version, and that’s yours.

Once we’ve established your brand’s positioning, messaging and visual and verbal identities, maintaining their integrity is crucial. Precise guidance is essential for anyone who will portray your brand on your behalf. Without it, you’ll end up with inconsistent and diluted branding and identity design. This will undo your hard work and undermine your investment.

Implementing brand guidelines is the key to consistency. As your brand identity agency, we’ll develop a comprehensive brand guidelines document which shows people how to tell your brand story through the correct use of your identity, brand message and content.

This will include branded templates and assets. From marketing materials to digital assets, we’ll ensure that your team has easy access to the right tools, keeping your brand consistently and accurately portrayed across all touchpoints. We can also provide training for internal teams.

  • Brand guidelines
  • Brand asset management
  • Branded tools & templates
  • Internal training
23% increase in revenue can be achieved through brand consistency

Brand naming

Blume branded mug

Every brand needs a memorable name: it’s the first step in creating an emotional connection and in setting yourself apart from competitors. The naming of an organisation or product brand is a nuanced task demanding a deep understanding of your brand positioning and architecture – and the wider market.

Coming up with a distinctive and appealing brand name gets more challenging every day: we’ve all seen quirky names which should never have left the drawing board. But as a skilled brand identity agency, we’re here to deliver names that work.

Our comprehensive methodology starts by generating a wide range of potential names before meticulously refining them down to a select few which are most distinctive, have maximum market appeal, and best portray your brand. We’ll consider each name’s look, sound, ease of pronunciation, and memorability.

We’ll explore the availability of related domain names as well as the legality of registered trademarks, and look at the best ways to protect these (by registering multiple domain names, for example, and/or registering in multiple countries).

We can also connect you with legal experts to help spare you from future headaches. And since navigating the legalities of brand naming can be daunting, we recommend keeping a few backup options.

  • Company / brand naming
  • Naming strategy
  • Product and service naming
Blume branded mug

They say it better than we do

Studio North captured the essence of our purpose, our market-leading client service, and our determination to improve the industry to help those affected by injury – together.

Mark Duffel
Business Development and Marketing Consultant, CFG

Nick and the team produce high-quality results across the board, always mindful of budget constraints, which matters a lot when you’re a not-for-profit like us.

Bev Burnham
Head of Marketing and Communications, Alupro

Studio North helped the Robert Scott brand to shine with a new bright mission and identity, caringly combining the 90 year family history with a forward-looking vision. Lovely work!

James Brisbane
Robert Scott