NHS Resolution

A complex brand services model, resolved.


  • Brand strategy
  • Brand identity
  • Stakeholder communications

The driver for change was not just to bring service divisions closer together. They wished to build upon their combined functions, working in a more unified way, to transform the way in which scarce NHS resources were being used to benefit patients, resolve concerns and prevent harm. The strategic focus would be to move to an organisation more focused than ever on prevention, learning and early intervention to address the rising costs of harm in the NHS.

This new direction needed a new name to reflect its new purpose.

The result was NHS Resolution.

NHS resolution guidelines

Our first task was to design a robust process that would explore alternatives and rigorously test if NHS Resolution was a fit for purpose name. Beyond this, an equally critical mission was to define the service names that would sit underneath the NHS Resolution umbrella.

Our research team embarked on an extensive programme of stakeholder engagement to canvas opinions across the various operating arms of the organisation, plus gather the views from external service users around the perceived consequence of changing the service names.

NHS Resolution banner
NHS Resolution Posters

We helped shape a new purpose, mission, values, services model and messaging for the new purpose-driven organisation. All packaged within a new brand name, service descriptions and refreshed identity.

Working within the structure of the wider NHS brand guidelines, we identified sufficient latitude to allow us to develop a strong, distinctive identity for NHS Resolution.

Post-rebrand, Studio North assisted the executive team at NHS Resolution in delivering the new brand at conferences and seminars around the country. We also produced a communications plan to launch and embed the new brand.