Brand experience

Every interaction and experience of your brand defines its success.

Whether or not your customers return depends on all the interactions they have with your company and its representatives, and every experience of your brand. Every detail counts when it comes to brand experience.

70% of enterprise CEOs view UX and CX as key differentiators

Your brand is simply a set of experiences, and responses to those experience. But ensuring the right experience and responses isn’t easy! Every touchpoint, every sensory interaction, every memory created, requires flawless positioning and consistency. As your brand experience agency, we’re here to help.

Website design & development


Creativity, technical prowess and ease of use are crucial to your online brand experience. We design websites that are not only easy to use but also informative, engaging, and persuasive – making your brand visible and impactful.

Our robust website design & development process begins with discovery audits plus user and competitor research. This helps us to understand your landscape and what your audiences need from your website. We then create maps of customer journeys, planning out the content and functionality needed to achieve their goals and enhance their experience.

As your brand experience agency, we’ll define a UX strategy which delivers seamless and engaging interactions before bringing your vision to life through meticulous concept and design development. And of course, we’ll ensure that every page has strong SEO – optimised to rank well in search results.

We’ll make sure your website appeals to the right people, developing interest and trust throughout their journey online. And we’ll build in the kind of content appeal which will keep people coming back for more, generating repeat traffic.

  • Discovery & research
  • Design & build
  • Customer journey mapping
  • SEO
  • User experience strategy
  • Content writing


stagecoach bus stop billboard

A successful campaign hinges on a solid strategy and a breakthrough creative idea – one which reflects who you are and excites the right people. We can help you to define clear, achievable goals and how to measure your campaign’s effectiveness (ROI).

Integrated brand campaigns require clever and consistent messaging across all channels, such as social media, advertising, your website, video, exhibitions, and more. Our expertise as a brand experience agency will ensure that your message is not only on point but also aligned across all of these. And that includes ensuring that your people, and any partners, are ready to deal with the response.

Digital campaigns often involve multiple touchpoints: banner and PPC ads, social media, content on video sites, organic SEO traction. We’ll help you choose where and how to grab attention, driving traffic to the right section of your website – with clear conversion goals in mind.

If you’re launching a brand or product, you’ve got one chance to make a lasting impression. We’ll weave your entire campaign together, advising on plans, timings, channels, methods, and more. Trust us to guide you through the complexities of a successful brand launch.

  • Campaign strategy & planning
  • Advertising
  • Campaign concepts
  • Social media campaigns
  • Asset design
  • Copywriting
stagecoach bus stop billboard

Brand communications

82% of marketers use content marketing as part of their branding strategy

Once your brand strategy and brand identity have been defined and developed, you’re ready to communicate your brand across all of your marketing media. We’ll help you to deliver positive brand messages at every touchpoint and across every channel.

An old marketing principle says that potential customers must see a message at least 7 times before they’ll take action. That means a lot of comms – and potentially a lot of ‘wasted’ comms? Except that comms are never wasted. Message number 7 can’t happen without message number 6, and so on. And at every stage you’re building awareness, recognition, interest and desire.

Whether it’s a complete brand refresh or repositioning, a launch, a speech or video script, a PR campaign, a door-drop, product packaging or an exhibition, we’ll help you get your message across. We’ll hone in on the key points each audience needs to hear, and how best to get them across. And where. And when.

As an experienced brand experience agency, we’ll help you map out and plan your entire communications strategy and timeline, right through to delivering all the supporting design, copywriting, digital build and delivery of the associated marketing assets and literature.

  • Marketing materials (print & digital)
  • Video & animation
  • Communication strategy
  • Branded environments
  • Events & presentations
  • Packaging
82% of marketers use content marketing as part of their branding strategy

Social media


Social media is a personal space. When your brand breaks into someone’s world, that can be very powerful – or it can aggravate. There’s one chance to make an impact, and you only have a couple of seconds. We can help you choose your platforms and effectively select and engage your audiences.

The key to social media is knowing your audience and discovering how to pinpoint them – in the right place, at the right time, and with the right core message. That takes knowledge, experience and hard data.

Then you must create instant impact: engage the user before they scroll on. Your message must be eye-catching, powerful and engaging – and above all, absolutely relevant to the user. Otherwise the moment will be lost, and you’ll be disappointed with your ROI.

As your brand experience agency, we’ll build a social media strategy which addresses all of this, and we’ll design and build the assets which will deliver that strategy. We’ll conduct research, uncovering insights to ensure that your content hits the mark. With a detailed planner, we’ll align your content with your brand campaigns, ensuring a seamless, consistent and productive customer experience.

  • Social media strategy
  • Social media advertising
  • Content creation
  • Social media management
  • Social media content planning

They say it better than we do

Their obsessive attention to detail and ability to consistently deliver under pressure makes them a perfect agency partner, especially for significant campaign activity.

Lynne Harrop
Head of Marketing and Customer Experience, Stagecoach

Nick and the team produce high-quality results across the board, always mindful of budget constraints, which matters a lot when you’re a not-for-profit like us.

Bev Burnham
Head of Marketing and Communications, Alupro

From brand guidelines to our first website and corporate video, Studio North played a key role in helping orient us as a world-class specialty chemicals and materials solutions provider.

Amy Chiconas
Vice President, Communications & Brand, Vibrantz