Employer branding agency

Internal branding connects your employees to your brand

Companies often invest heavily in customer-facing branding without communicating that brand to their own teams. This disconnect leads to disillusionment and missed opportunities.

50% increase in employee engagement for companies that successfully activate their internal brand

An employer brand strategy will help you create an internal brand – which will shape your brand culture and allow your people to become brand ambassadors. And of course, that means happier employees, happier customers and a happier bottom line.

Engaged employees, who have been helped to understand your brand (and why it matters) have the motivation and empowerment to become true brand ambassadors. As your employer branding agency, we can take you beyond your customer-facing brand.

Internal activation

86% of employees feel more motivated and loyal when their company has a strong internal brand activation program

Ready to transform your brand from the inside out? Here’s how we, as your employer branding agency, will ensure that your team is aligned, equipped, and able to deliver on your brand:

Internal brand launch: We’ll help you promote your new brand with an internal launch event or presentations, ensuring that every employee is in sync with your brand’s vision, values, purpose and promise.

Asset and collateral audit: We’ll conduct a thorough audit of all of your sales, marketing and operational assets and collateral. This meticulous process ensures that every item accurately and consistently reflects your brand strategy and identity.

Brand identity training: Our specialised training programmes are designed to arm your teams with a deep understanding of your brand. They’ll learn how to unflinchingly and consistently deliver on your brand promise – whoever they are, whatever they do, and wherever they do it.

  • Internal brand launch
  • Brand identity training
  • Asset and collateral audit
86% of employees feel more motivated and loyal when their company has a strong internal brand activation program

Employer branding


Your employer brand is what attracts the right talent to work at your organisation – and motivates them to want to stay and succeed. We’ll help you craft an employment narrative which reflects the aspirations of your brand and creates excitement by promoting your strengths and opportunities.

Starting with an in-depth exploration of your unique culture and values, we’ll create a clear, engaging employer brand for your business. We’ll amplify that story through strategic campaigns, externally and internally, to embed that culture and help you attract and retain the right talent.

With our years of experience and a keen understanding of the employment landscape, we’ve helped a diverse range of companies – from start-ups to global enterprises – define and share their unique employment stories.

We’ll inspire new ways of engaging with talent, helping you to stand out in a crowded job market. Let’s turn your business inside-out and craft a story worth telling.

  • Employee value proposition
  • Employer brand identity
  • Talent attraction campaigns

Employee engagement

8x more engagement for employee-shared content compared to official company content

When your employees are deeply connected to your brand, they become authentic ambassadors – capable of building customer loyalty and delivering satisfaction. They’re more motivated, productive and creative, because they believe in what they’re doing and why they’re doing it.

This fosters a sense of ownership and pride, reducing turnover and attracting the top talent you need to innovate and compete.

Every business wants to attract great talent and maintain optimum productivity levels. This is where employee engagement will help you.

We develop internal communications strategies which inform, engage and inspire people. By developing an in-depth content plan which maps out your messaging and the channels and media where you’ll communicate it, we’ll help your brand to resonate powerfully with your teams.

  • Internal campaigns
  • Communications strategy
  • Design & content creation
8x more engagement for employee-shared content compared to official company content

They say it better than we do

Studio North was able to provide cut-through, bringing a clarity of thought and strategic direction alongside impactful creative that has proven to engage both employees and external decision makers.

Debbie Britton
CMO, Visku

Internally, colleagues have embraced our new brand, thanks to the coherence and simplicity the Studio North team helped us generate.

Mark Duffel
Business Development and Marketing Consultant, CFG

Studio North was instrumental in helping us elevate the Vibrantz brand very early in our time as a new company.

Amy Chiconas
Vice President, Communications & Brand, Vibrantz